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Demonstration of Advanced Sludge Separation Treatment Technologies for Decarbonization of Wastewater Treatment Plants

Funded by California Energy Commission (EPC-23-013) Budget: Approx 9.2 M



This project aims to implement and demonstrate three innovative high-efficiency advanced solids separation technologies to reduce Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These innovative technologies include two sludge thickening technologies (Suspended Air Flotation Thickener (SAF) and Biosolids Filtration Thickener (BFT)) and one sludge destruction technology (Ultra Energy Efficient Super Critical Water Oxidation (Ultra-SCWO). The project also aims to evaluate advanced treatment technologies and compare its decarbonization, energy, treatment, and cost benefits against the conventional sludge stabilization technology - Anaerobic Digestion. The project is considering these technologies for various inputs including primary sludge, secondary sludge and solids originated from advanced wastewater treatment technologies.


As a project lead, CWT is working with technology partners, utilities, and consultants. The main obhectives of this project is defined as: 

  • Decrease GHG emissions by at least 35-40%, 

  • Achieve significant energy savings and strive towards energy self-sufficiency (and energy positivity) WWTPs, 

  • Decrease operational and maintenance costs by at least 15 to 20%, 

  • Increase sludge treatment performance by at least 20 to 25%, 

  • Decrease footprint by at least 60 to 70%.


The project initiated in 2023 and will be completed in 2028.

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